Cleeng CEO reflects on 2021 in the video on demand industry

Kirstin White | Mon Dec 20 2021 | Company News
As 2021 is coming to an end, we would like to take this opportunity to reflect on the learnings and achievements of the past year.
Watch this video to see Cleeng CEO and Founder, Gilles Domartini give a rundown of 2021 and our objectives for 2022.
Or read the highlights below.


Expansions and successes for Cleeng clients and partners

Throughout 2021, we welcomed numerous new clients and saw many exciting successes with existing clients.


With the sports industry resuming, we celebrated many big wins for our sport-broadcasting clients, such as an immensely successful Euro 2020 for Optus Sport, and Roland Garros for Tennis Channel. We also welcomed some new sporting giants, such as Big Ten Network with our new partner Sportradar, and Setanta Sports Eurasia.


The rest of the media & entertainment industry also brought its A-game this year, with an excellent year for our long-time clients BroadwayHD and CBC. And we were thrilled to recently welcome Nordisk Film, with our new partner Red Bee Media.


Product innovations in 2021

Our priority this past year has been continued investment in the enhancement of our Subscriber Management System.


A high priority for these enhancements has been ChurnIQ, with the launch of ChurnIQ Segments earlier this year. Thanks to the latest innovations, not only can you identify churn but also act on it.


The strengthening of our Subscriber Management System has also involved improvements to Cleeng Merchant and Hi5. These upgrades help you to deploy streaming services easily and quickly, whilst being completely compliant with tax and privacy regulations.


Objectives for 2022

Looking towards the coming year, there are 3 main objectives for Cleeng.

1. Make Cleeng’s services easier to use and more actionable

2. Bring exceptional ROI to OTT companies looking to upgrade their Subscriber Management System

3. Invest heavily in our clients and partners


Thank you for our many shared experiences in 2021. We are very excited for 2022, and we wish you a fantastic new year!


To get a personal sneak-peek at the 2022 product plans:

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