A closer look at Cleeng’s user-friendly UI updates

Michal Rydz | Thu Nov 14 2024 | Company News

At Cleeng, we understand that great UI-UX is key to seamless collaboration and efficient workflows. Consistent design elements, reusable components, and centralized guidelines make it easier for teams to navigate and improve their productivity. These enhancements also allow for faster development cycles, critical in the fast-paced media and entertainment industry.

That’s why Cleeng’s Subscriber Retention Management (SRM®) suite is constantly evolving. We regularly gather feedback through UX interviews to ensure our platform remains intuitive and user-friendly, giving developers and product owners the tools they need to streamline operations.

In this blog, we’ll showcase our latest UI improvements, designed to increase consistency, accessibility, and reusability. 


1. New standardized color guide

A standardized color guide has been introduced across the platform. This includes specific primary, secondary and tertiary colors that set the visual hierarchy and ensure branding consistency. This will improve efficiency and the experience of technical teams.

Color guidance

2. Typography improvements

Typography improvements have been made using well-defined guidelines for fonts, sizes, and styles for textual elements. These are being consistently leveraged throughout the platform to enhance readability for headings, body text, labels, and any other textual content.

3. Upgraded components

  • Modals are introduced wherever applicable to present important information or alert user interaction. These are added for notifying alerts, confirmations, and forms or for sharing detailed views without having tech teams to navigate away from the page - saving time and effort.

  • Dropdown functionalities are enhanced to simplify selection from a list for uses like filtering data or choosing settings. This is to save time and effort for dashboard users.

  • The date picker is also updated. The previous default browser date/time input is replaced with a custom date picker component, ensuring functional and visual consistency between browsers.

Date picker - UI piece (1)-1

  • The Tabs component is also simplified to improve visual consistency and make it more reusable, and functional.  



  • Existing modal & popup window formats are improved. Several of these now also come with slide-out drawers to ensure a more organized workspace, improve navigation and accessibility, and reduce cognitive load. With this, the windows are now more consistent, have less wasted whitespace, and feature a more streamlined look with subtle animations.

Additional behind-the-scenes improvements in Cleeng’s design system

Beyond the visible updates, we’ve made several significant behind-the-scenes improvements, including:

  • Streamlined color palette: We’ve tokenized and simplified the dashboard’s color palette, reducing code duplication and improving consistency.
  • Modular component logic: Over-engineered components have been decoupled, creating more reusable, UI-focused elements to enhance flexibility and reusability.
  • Unified link component: A new link component has been introduced, ensuring consistent styling and interactivity across the dashboard.

Want a sneak peek into the platform loved by CTOs and CFOs?


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