An upgraded Developer’s Portal to empower Cleeng customers

Kirstin White | Tue Mar 23 2021 | Innovation hub

After months of extensive revisions, we are excited to announce the update of a key Cleeng resource: the Developer’s Portal.

Developer's Portal Graphic

The Cleeng Developer’s Portal is a unique self-service portal for Cleeng products. We use it to host comprehensive product descriptions and extensive guidance for the integration and use of all features. By providing all essential information, this portal allows developers to take the lead when adopting new products. 

Given the high value of this resource, we decided it was time to renovate the previous design and features, to bring our clients an exhaustive source of product guidance and a smooth-running experience.


How will the portal improvements benefit you?

So the Developer’s Portal is getting an upgrade. But what does this redesign mean for you?

If you are a client of Cleeng’s: this means a totally frictionless experience with reduced launch times and high visibility on product functionality from start to finish.

If you are a prospect of Cleeng’s, this means total transparency on our technical offering so that early on, you can see exactly what our products have to offer, and how much effort they will take to deploy.

If you are a partner of Cleeng’s, this means unfettered access to our API details to lead your own understanding of our integrations.


What changes have been made?

Developer's Portal Screenshot


We have developed a premium documentation portal that will facilitate easier usage by all, and empower developers to lead integrations independently. This has been achieved through the following optimisations:

  1. Upgraded content

To ensure that Portal users can find answers to all questions for all products, we have thoroughly updated the existing materials and documentations, including both API Tutorials and API Reference. This means anyone can find the information  they need to master our product themselves, without having to rely on assistance.

  1. Modernised layouts

To keep up with evolving design, the new Developer’s Portal comes with a completely new look and feel, making the high volume of information easy to consume.

  1. Streamlined user experience

To maintain the high usability of the environment, the new portal features a highly intuitive interface with improved pagination and navigation.

  1. Intuitive new features

Most excitingly, the redesign incorporates all-new features such as:

  • Quick and easy-to-use “search” function
  • Inline code by code tutorials for critical components
  • API Payload in up to 5 different languages

Check it out now

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