Customized Transactional Emails: An under-utilized engagement tool

Adrianna Radzikowska | Mon Nov 27 2023 | Innovation hub

visual 6-Customize your transactional emails to drive engagement v1

Are you paying adequate attention to your transactional emails?  

What are transactional emails? Think welcome emails, invoices, renewal reminders, failed payments, or any other automated messages you send in response to a specific action or transaction on your OTT streaming website or app. Even though these aren't sent as a part of specific marketing campaigns, they can significantly impact your engagement levels and revenue outcomes. 

  • Usually, transactional emails have a higher open and engagement rate than promotional ones. That’s because recipients are actively expecting and interested in the content of these messages.

  • Alongside ensuring that critical information reaches users promptly, transactional emails impact the customer experience and shape a brand's image. 

  • Interesting fact: The average revenue per transactional email is 2-5 times higher than standard bulk mail. Think about how powerful a solid dunning email could be that catches the recipient's eye! It can impact your involuntary churn levels and raise your ROI

Such facts bring us to the obvious question.


Why are most broadcasters still sending antiquated transactional emails?

We've observed that most media and entertainment companies tend to underperform on this front due to:

  • Legacy-driven approaches: Historical approaches are followed in their organizations without considering reviewing them.

  • Limited platform capabilities: Many broadcasters send transactional emails from their eCommerce platform instead of using a specialized marketing platform. This technical choice restricts modern formatting options, content styles, etc.

  • Restricted segmentation in the email audience lists: Often, companies depend on the data lying as it is in their transactional system. This reduces flexibility and creativity in creating and leveraging custom audience lists.

  • Involvement of IT teams instead of marketing: The onus for sending and managing transactional emails often lies with IT teams. They need more specialization in crafting content that resonates and generates the desired outcome. Thus, the companies miss the opportunities. 

Does any of the above describe your organization's transactional email story? 


Here's how to skip the mediocrity with Cleeng’s transactional email features

Using Cleeng, you can take complete control over your subscriber communication. Our transactional email capabilities are specifically designed to overcome the inefficiencies that arise from legacy approaches, limited platform capabilities, and so on.

The dashboard has all the features to ensure your transactional emails are relevant to modern standards and in sync with your marketing efforts. The best part is that webhooks offer great flexibility for developers while empowering you with full customization. Using the Mailchimp connector, you can do it all easily with a no-code approach. 

The following options are possible depending on the level of customization that you prefer:

  1. Basic: This is the default option. With it, you can use Cleeng default emails enriched with improved templates and basic customization options for logo and color. This is possible with your Cleeng Mailchimp account itself. You can enable or disable your preference from the dashboard.

  2. Advanced: Advanced is the best option if you prefer to add more customization to your emails and want complete control over the visual aspect and content. You will need your Mailchimp account and full access for email handling and management.

  3. Your own email/marketing automation integration: If you use any other tool and would like to customize using its features, connectors can make it possible. 

All three options are great for sending customized transactional emails in a scalable and reliable manner using trusted connectors. 


Want to know the steps to implement customized transactional emails using Cleeng? 

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