Cleeng upgrades In-App Tracking for more unified subscription reporting

Damien Organ | Wed Jun 02 2021 | Innovation hub

Unifying in-app and web store subscription data is a major headache for OTT services. That is why Cleeng has now released its multi-channel customer lifecycle upgrade. 




Without reporting modules that cover all channels, tracking growth is a huge challenge. Most OTT services work with fractured views of their customer base. An integrated view that covers web & apps requires hours of manual data handling.



This is why Cleeng has always prioritised a fully unified view of subscriber base growth. With ChurnIQ, you can see your app and web store subscribers within single visualizations. 

What's new?


The new upgrade introduces better algorithms for syncing with your Apple & Android stores. This goes beyond simply removing the workload of merging this data as it also:


  • adds new daily syncing of subscription statuses
  • aligns subscriber lifecycles across all channels
  • identifies status changes in dormant app store subscriptions
  • allows you to create introductory offers that mirror your app store offers



This doesn't only help you to track subscription growth. We designed the new algorithms to keep your web and app customer lifecycles closely in sync. So you also get more accurate views of free trials, churn, and customer cohorts across all stores. 



A major advantage is that with a more unified lifecycle data, you can build and run better targeted marketing campaigns. And it is these campaigns that will convert your lifecycle data into revenue.


Mirroring your in-app introductory campaigns


Want to use in-app introductory offers? Then you can keep your reporting in-sync by adding a coupon to app store payments with the Cleeng API. Setting this up requires just a few steps. First you create a coupon campaign that matches the difference between the standard price and the lower in-app offer price. 

Once you have done this, Cleeng’s Android & Apple API payment flows can simulate the introductory offer by retrieving a code from the campaign you have created. This will discount new subscriptions accordingly at the reporting level, and will make your revenue tracking more accurate. To learn more about how to do this, check out out our developer guide


Want to grow your subscription base with free trials?


Learn more about the most effective strategies with our free guide.


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