Video on-demand services are on the rise

Monika | Thu Jun 26 2014 | Industry insights

video on demand services

Future for the video on-demand services looks more than promising. In the year 2020, the global landscape will include 9 billion people, over 8  billion mobile broadband subscriptions and 1.5 billion homes with digital television, with analog almost history. What a great opportunity for all content creators!

According to the latest Ericsson research, in advanced markets, such as Western Europe and the USA, by 2020:

  • Market revenues will grow to $750bn - up from $530bn in 2013.The distribution of revenues shifts between content owners, broadcasters, TV service providers and network providers, especially as brands adapt advertising focus.
  • Sale models will change: customer, connecting on nearly 15 billion video-enabled devices, will prefer now a single bill - bundling of content and services remains the ultimate opportunity.
  •  On-demand will be on the rise - as over-the-top delivery will become applicable to all TV service providers or content owners, and consumers will embrace the convenience of on-demand access to content to 50 percent of their consumption.
  • New entrants will bring new investment - potentially a powerful device or social ecosystem will arise to become a premium TV aggregator.

The future is not certain, but the direction and trends are clear. The rules of TV are changing and it is essential for our customers to evaluate their strategies for success," says Per Borgklint, Senior Vice President and Head of Business Unit Support Solutions, Ericsson

The shift to OTT is happening now and there won’t be any better moment to snatch this opportunity. Start building your global live audience to lock them for your brand. Evaluate your strategies for success, don’t fall behind, embrace video on-demand today!

Give it a try - free!

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