Streaming Media West 2016: OTT is an Ever-growing Market

Benedicte Guichard | Thu Nov 10 2016 | Cleeng News, Industry insights

SM West 2016

Streaming Media West is an exciting conference that connects the leaders and front-runners in the live video world. Read more on our impressions from the event and the opportunities for live event organizers.

Streaming Media West 2016 was held at the Hyatt Regency hotel in beautiful Huntington Beach, CA. Marked by events dedicated to business, technology, and content of online video, Streaming Media West brought together companies within all of these ecosystems.

Attendees at the event discussed challenges and opportunities associated with delivering small and big-sizes live events and live linear channels that fit all screen sizes.

One takeaway from Streaming Media West is that OTT is an ever-growing market.

According to Deloitte, millennials average 3 OTT subscriptions, and 75% of them are active streamers. From the supply side, 88% of media and entertainment pros agreed that OTT is a viable revenue opportunity (according to Streaming Media and Unisphere Research).

OTT offerings give broadcasters and premium content owners new distribution platforms for their content. With more ways to distribute content comes more opportunity for content monetization.

Streaming Media West was educational and productive. Executives from Viacom and Roku giving their insights into the progression and future of the industry were just a few of the keynote speeches.  The topics discussed were:

  • quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE);
  • live virtual reality/360° video;
  • monetization (pay-per-view, subscription, advertising and authentication).

Streaming Media West also gave Cleeng the opportunity to further strengthen and solidify our relationships with our Online Video Platforms.  We work very close with all our technilogy partners and the seamless coordination showed benefits for all the involved parties designing the OTT package.

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All-in-all Streaming Media West was a great opportunity to learn about the industry and further solidify Cleeng’s presence within it. With that said, Cleeng is perfectly poised in the marketplace to help broadcasters monetize their premium content with our easy-to-use, robust platform for live and on-demand video monetization.

Find out how sport broadcasters leverage OTT to grow revenues:

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