Live streaming pay-per-view - a new way to engage your global audience

Monika | Mon Jul 22 2013 | Industry insights

Live streaming pay-per-view - a new way to engage your global

We got inspired by Iddo Shai and his recent article on Reelseo that praised Live streaming pay-per-view as a new way to engage your global audiences, but to also a great working method convert them into paying customers. 

As experts in the international Live e-commerce who have been successfully protecting live events for Viaplay,  Cirque Du Soleil and TEDMED, we cannot agree more. We have seen many sudden spikes in revenue for the live events. There’s a huge, constantly growing audience to engage directly, namely, your customers who are passionate about a topic related to what you offer who often also happen to be news-starved online users looking for the most direct way to connect with you.

If there’s a truly effective way to make people stick to your content, it’ll be live.

Who can capitalize on this growing trend ?  Obviously, the news and entertainment industry.  But ‘live’ gradually becomes an inevitable part of the education sector as well, since live streaming makes learning and teaching much more effective. A great example was given by Shai: the Cornell University and the Kaltura platform was used to live stream the blooming of a rare rainforest plant to an impressive 550,000 viewers.

Don’t think twice about your involvement. Embrace the knowledge shared with you by the digital media experts.   Harness the power of live events. And, as Shai advises, finally ditch the hybrid concoction of live and pre-recorded content. There’s no 50/50. You go live, you go bold, AND you earn on your talent (do it with Cleeng, you’ll keep 100% of your live stream revenue).

Live streams are also a no-lose way for your brand or project to go viral. They are easily picked up by social and mainstream media, unless they’re not successful. What makes it all work properly?

According to Shai, a successful live event boils down to these 4 crucial elements:

1. Ensure that it’s ‘live stream-worthy,’
2. Make an event out of it,
3. Get viewers involved and
4. Make sure it runs smoothly.

Read the entire blogpost by Iddo Shai:

"Consider Live Video Streaming and Engage Your Customers" on the Reel SEO website, and follow Iddo on Twitter: @iddoPoP

You might also want to check our blogposts dedicated to the live streaming trend:
5 tips for a successful digital video strategy and  5 digital trends to follow – lessons learned from Brightcove Play 2013

*Make your next Live streaming pay-per-view event a total success!

Set up only takes 2' - you can try it yourself right away!

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