U.S. payments now optimized thanks to Cleeng LLC

Monika | Mon Feb 09 2015 | Cleeng News

Screen Shot 2015-04-21 at 3.45.57 PMA few months ago we announced the opening of our US - New York office. Today, great news for our publishers selling in the U.S.: all transactions are now processed through our newly established U.S. payment gateway.

Among many amazing pay-per-view events we've been powering in the past few months, many big-scale shows were created with U.S. audience in mind. Thus, it was crucial for us to make sure those event organizers can transact and be paid out directly through a bank operating in the States.

Processing payment in the U.S. brings multiple benefits to our partners and clients:

  • Faster approval of credit card transactions,
  • Lower credit card refusal rate, and thus higher conversion rate at first credit card entry attempt,
  • Lower refunds and chargeback,
  • No further risk of fees charged by specific local / regional U.S. banks.

This will bring higher satisfaction from the buyers, and even better conversion rates for our U.S. based publishers. We're looking forward to create closer relationships with our U.S. clients, and further support their growth into the OTT space.


Cleeng SRM Product