Pay per view and subscriptions were the first steps to provide you with a smart monetization solution but we can always do better, can't we? Well, that's what we did, ticking another box to bring you even more flexibility when monetizing your content!
You wanted to set some free access for your users to engage with them progressively? WordPress and Enterprise publishers can do it now, thanks to the new Cleeng "Metered Paywall" functionality. And the really good news, is that you define the main criterias for the set up such as:
- the number of items available for free
- the frequency: after registration or on a monthly basis
- the price threshold: only for items below xx $
All you have to do, once you have created your Cleeng publisher account, is to activate the "Free purchase set up" on your settings page, entering the various criterias, as show below:
So for a tiny fraction of what the NYT has paid for putting in place his own paywall, you could have a much more flexible solution. If your objective is to recruit new readers, you could decide to set up the "after registration" option and it would be easy to mitigate the risks limiting the free access for "cheap" items only and keeping the pay per view option for your most valuable content.
Looking forward to your feedback. Thanks