Cleeng Open: fast & flexible content monetization API. Your way.

Donald Res | Fri May 11 2012 | Cleeng News


Proudly we announce today the official launch of our new API: Cleeng Open.

Cleeng Open inspiration came from all the feedback given by the many early publishers and platforms (see below). It provides extreme flexibility to broadcasters, publishers, agencies and platforms to sell easily all kind of digital content, while providing a consistent and simple purchase experience.

While building, defining and shaping this API for sure we realized:

“It takes a lot of complexity to get to simplicity”

Though here we are. A very straightforward solution to protect and charge for your digital goods. Your way. Your content. It enables you to integrate deeply into all the powerfull monetization features of Cleeng.

What does Cleeng Open allows you to do?

  • You have a video platform (Vimeo, Dailymotion, etc) and want to provide your users with the most advanced  monetization tools, Cleeng Open is for you
  • You want to be able to very precisely sell elements of content on your site, like few pictures, document download, a Live event feed... that's possible
  • You are a web-app developer, and look for a simple, effecient method protect certain section of your software. Try Cleeng Open
  • You want to build the most advanced paywall for your newspaper site, using metered paywall, pay-per-view AND/OR subscriptions? Now you can
  • You need to launch quickly and efficiently a digital content protection and payment system, available in multiple countries? Look no further

There are already many broadcasters like iStrategy Conference, Live Event organizers (See Organo case study), Video Platforms (Brightcove, Twistage) or publishers consortium like GoPress who leveraged Cleeng Open and build their own custom solution. As it is all open source on Github – you can actively contribute as well.

If you have basic PHP and HTML/JS knowledge, we guarantee it takes you more time to get a fresh coffee than to protect and sell content from your site. Check out the “Getting started” tutorial for the absolute basic way to sell from any website (example). It shows how Cleeng takes care off all the complexity you don’t want to be bothered with.

At its core, Cleeng Open provides 3 main components:

1. Publisher API:

Everything related to the protection, definition and management of your offers.

PHP Example:

// setup an item for sale

$offer = array(
'url' => '',
'description' => 'Buy this item for just $0.49. You will love it!',
'price' => 0.49

$ItemOffer = $cleengApi->createItemOffer($offer);


2. Query API:

Querying and retrieving information from the API.

PHP Example:

// Check if somebody has been granted access
if ($cleengApi->isAccessGranted($itemOfferId)) {
echo "This content is purchased!";

3. UX API:

Dealing with the behavior of the customer. Like triggering a purchase, loading the content after purchase, and social commissions.

Javascript example:

// Trigger your pay per item purchase
cleengApi.purchase($itemOfferId, callback)

// Trigger your subscriptions
cleengApi.subscribe($publisherId, callback)

See Cleeng Open and the detailed tutorials to get further inspired. Think of the creativity you can put into this!

Thanks to the community

Special thanks - in random order - Mat our lead API developer, to David from Twistage, Jeremy and Blaise from Novastream, Gilles from Brightcove, Nadir from Dailymotion, Daniel from GoalGorilla, Rudy from Velikom International and Rob from icecode-productions, to all their contributions and insights given. They have considerably challenged us and created further insights in order to launch Cleeng Open.

We want to thank especially Alex Flippov (RU) and Adé Mochtar (NL) who contributed actively to Cleeng Open. They donated their time already and created a Java SDK (see Github). Which makes rapid deep integrations now possible with Java SDK platforms (next to PHP platforms).

Ps. Some advanced functionalities leveraged by platforms and enterprise customers like global price-settings, master-slave set-up, remote login etc can be made available for you too. Contact us if you are interested.


Cleeng SRM Product