Bringing Out The New, Matured ROI Calculator For Live Events

Dimitar Serafimov | Thu Apr 12 2018 | Industry insights

Cleeng ROI calculator - getting started Getting started - Cleeng PPV ROI calculator

The new version of our Live ROI Calculator comes with a new polished look, more clarity on the inputs and improved results reporting. 

Our popular Live PPV ROI Calculator is aging quite well. So far, it helped thousands of broadcasters to project returns and make decisions related to their OTT strategy.

Cleeng's track record of managing over 25000 live events have been crucial in improving the calculator's results and overall experience. That accumulated experience gave us directions where we should improve.

In 2017,

  • over 10000 broadcasters used the calculator;
  • around 450 broadcasters analyzed their results in detail.

Here are the major changes in the calculator flow:

Cleeng ROI Calculator - tickets sales The ROI Calculator now asks simple estimation of ticket sales.

Cleeng ROI Calculator - tickets sales The email reports give more clarity on the live event projected returns and costs.

Calculate your event's returns and costs now.

Go to the ROI Calculator

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