Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

Key Geographical Differences of VOD Users

Written by Benedicte Guichard | Mar 29, 2016 4:04:05 PM
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We’ve mentioned it time and time again: in this advanced modern world, the consumption of VOD is on the rise - and it’s pretty much become the staple in many households across the world. After all, with a huge amount of choice and flexibility, coupled with decent value for money, what’s not to like?

To put the power of VOD into perspective: among those who watch any type of VOD programming, 43% say they watch at least once a day. Pretty powerful stuff.

Every country has its own quirks and customs; that’s what makes the world so interesting.

And as VOD consumption rises, behavioral patterns in different geographical regions are emerging and it’s fair to say - it’s quite interesting.

Let's take a look at the results from a recent survey conducted by Nielsen on video-on-demand global behavioral patterns. As the chart below shows, there are striking differences in terms of viewing preferences across these major global regions – and some favor VOD more than others:

As you can see, folks in Asia, Latin America and North America have a stronger lean towards video streaming services. What’s also interesting is that those in North America and Latin America also display strong cable viewing figures, which perhaps mean that many households are supplementing their Pay TV services with VOD options.

According to the same survey, regional drivers and deterrents for the use of VOD services are outlined based around key statements. Each region is extensively surveyed and the figures show how much, in general, people tend to agree with each statement:

As you can see, convenience is a strong driver in the decision to sit down and tune into VOD content, whereas programming choices is the main deterrent across all regions.

By sitting down and cross-examining these two studies alone, we as VOD providers can really look at the way in which we deliver our services and content to different regions across the globe - and in return appeal to a wider, more tuned in audience.

It’s plain to see that each market has its differences and it’s by tapping into those nuances that we can really push the future of VOD forwards, one viewer at a time.

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