Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

More Viewers are Turning to Mobile to Enjoy Long-Form Video

Written by Benedicte Guichard | May 3, 2016 2:49:02 PM

We’ve talked a lot about the power of online video and its ever-evolving relationship with the consumer. As technology develops, consumers are taking control of when and where they enjoy their entertainment - and soon enough, traditional television viewing habits will become a thing of the past. Therefore, broadcasters and video publishers must be prepared to offer flexible OTT solutions that support mobile devices. 

That said, an increasing number of people are using their mobile devices in order to stream video content - and we’re not just talking about the odd YouTube clip of a keyboard playing cat or a mischievous toddler - people are tuning into to their smartphones and tablets to enjoy long-form content including sporting events, movies, and box sets.

Stats don't lie: Viewers love to watch and stream long-form video...

Flurry, a popular mobile analytics tool reported that, during 2015, consumers in the states spent 198 minutes on mobile apps per day, compared to 168 minutes watching TV - and the astonishing thing is, that statistic is set to rise this year and beyond.

Interactive Advertising Bureau (IABfound that 36% of consumers view videos over 5 min in length. From those viewers, 22% simultaneously stream video on their smartphones.

According to a study recently carried out by Ooyala, from 2011 to 2015, the rise of mobile video plays is rapid – as the chart shows: 

Millennials make up the largest sector of America’s mobile viewing public (they’ve even surpassed the Baby Boomers) and in general, their appetite for long-form content is stronger than ever. A rather sizable 30% of North American owners now watch full-length TV shows on their smartphones, and 20% watch movies.

One of the driving forces for this increased appetite for long-form content consumption on mobile devices is due to superior size and quality of today’s screens. Improved screen dimensions and higher resolutions mean than streaming video on mobile is an even more enjoyable pastime. Consumers now crave an individually tailored viewing experience and these visual advancements allow providers to create content especially for their screens.

Our mobile discoveries: Mobile usage of live & on-demand video is up

To paint even more of a picture of just how dominant a force mobile is, here are a few of Cleeng’s very own discoveries…

  •    Consistently, mobile accounts for 44% of our consumer traffic: 35% via smartphones and 9% on tablets.
  •    A recent NHRA event showed that 41% of users tuned in from a mobile device.

Consumers are no longer at the mercy of a bulky television screen and a rigid viewing schedule - right now, more and more people are wising up to the joys (and freedom) of mobile video entertainment - and the more that content providers cater for this shift in viewing climate, the stronger it will become.

Feel free to test out our video e-commerce platform that supports all devices out there:

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