Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

This Year's Cleeng Annual Gathering was EpIQ

Written by Benedicte Guichard | Jun 21, 2018 1:59:31 PM
The 2018 EpIQ gathering was all about growing our 3Ps, people, products, and processes!

Traditionally, these gatherings help us take a step back on the progress made last year, blend the international teams and present our plans for the future.

This event carried well its name, its been quite an  EpIQ four days together! There is a strong symbolic in this term.

EpIQ = Elevate PEOPLE / PRODUCTS / PROCESSES into Quality

The main credo coming out of this is: Cleeng is ready for the big stage! 

Our platform is built for scalability, flexibility and is deeply integrated with the leading streaming and front-end providers. We have listened to our clients, partners, and all the other stakeholders, and have built solutions that help tier 1 broadcasters succeed with their OTT strategies.

We are going to keep investing in our staff, adding more experience and intelligence that is focused on building the best products and processes.

Here are some numbers showing the current climate inside the organization and the employee perception about it:
  1. Employee Net Promoter Score is up from 50 in 2017 to 68 this year, (in top 5% of all companies);
  2. Overall employee satisfaction measured via the Gallup Employee Engagement Survey is up to 4.4 (on a scale of 1-5).
We know how to elevate
A special congratulation to our very unique winners of the “ Outstanding Employee of the year” award, for their exceptional dedication, capacity to innovate and drive results, and being true living ambassadors of our Cleeng Culture code:

- Matthew Musumeci (Customer Support & Community Manager)
- Jessica Anguiano (Sales Director, Americas)
- Rui Liang (Data Analyst)
- Wiola Kawalec (Project Manager).
Cleeng-troopers conquer the Mediterranean
"It was a fantastic feeling to see how so many people, from different backgrounds and nationalities, getting along well together, working as a teamcontributing to workshops, and naturally assisted each other on the beach, at the top of the cliff, or when in need at night!!  That's the culture we want to keep and develop further at Cleeng!"- says Gilles Domartini, CEO and Founder of Cleeng.
A goofy one
On the next one and many more!