Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

Through the Looking Glass: How to Integrate OTT Platforms With Mobile Apps

Written by Jason Wong | Dec 14, 2018 3:22:31 PM

Let's explore the ways OTT services connect with apps to reach their audiences.

We live in a mobile world.

In fact, five billion people are now connected to a mobile device worldwide. That said, one of the inherent benefits of using OTT platforms is the ability to consume your favorite content wherever you may be in the world - which means as a provider, to ensure a sustainable level of success, offering your audience a seamless mobile experience is essential.

To integrate an OTT platform and a mobile app successfully, it’s important to understand the operational mechanics, and we’re going to explore them here.

Behind the scenes, there is a magical set of musical orchestrations that must continually occur between the video platform aimed at streaming content and the mobile app that the consumer uses to enjoy the content itself.

Cleeng’s platform sits smack dab in the middle of this intricate and exciting process by optimizing the interactions between how customers create that first critical impression of your video services and the ongoing video consumption experience - the two most important elements of OTT mobile streaming success.

Getting this interaction right often means the difference between a consumer deciding to convert from a free trial customer to an ongoing paying subscriber or abandoning your service altogether in pursuit of something more user-friendly.

To ensure your OTT and mobile app integration is seamless, helping you to grow, evolve and encourage long-term and invaluable customer loyalty, we've built a solution - allow us to explain…

The Solution: A step-by-step look at what’s happening from Cleeng’s perspective

Step 1: Restricting access to video content - Ensuring easy authentication for paid content

Cleeng creates an online registration form to gather customer insights around a viewer’s identity. Thus ensuring proper access to streaming videos.

Step 2: Linking subscription offers to video streaming catalogues

In order to drive more free trial visitors to pay subscribers a strong offer management system must be in place to promote what online video services and experience are available to viewers to consume. From the app side do you want viewers to purchase monthly? Annually? One-off live event? Single movies? Most likely your video content is restricting by licensing agreements which means you can only distribute and monetize is specific locations or regions. Setting up offers per location on the app side and back-end side of the OTT must be in sync.

Step 3: Making the Checkout on the app - Seamless, fast and easy.

Behind the scenes, Cleeng links various payments methods presented to the viewers on the app to process payment transactions during the online checkout. Cleeng can also assign and present specific payment methods to specific locations to create an optimal purchasing experience. It all seems trivial when you don’t see everything that is humming along in the background. Cleeng processes payment transactions automatically, in large volumes, around the world and with the correct language, currency, tax calculations!

Step 4: Consuming video content via the player app

After these full orchestrations of user authentications, single sign-on, updated payment transactions and entitlement checks between the subscription offer and streaming video content the viewer can enjoy the viewing experience. The funny thing is all of these actions happen in a matter of seconds! Done correctly it becomes seamless. Done incorrectly and viewers may leave your video service altogether.

The Result

Here’s a rundown of end result from the customer’s perspective:

    • A memorable trial offer experience that impacting subscriber conversions & engagement in a positive way.
    • Mobile access, hands-free subscription payments, and swift SSO logins.
    • A turnkey solution with enormous potential and room to grow, change, adjust and evolve to meet new demands of that emerge within the OTT landscape.
    • Defining new offers that are compliant with video licenses with geo-restrictions.

Does this sound like it could help you reach your mobile streaming goals as an OTT content provider? Please connect with us and we’ll help you build a tailored solution that will help you offer your customers the best mobile experience possible.

Learn more about how we powered the World Cup OTT broadcast via apps:

Download the SportsMax case study