Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

Launch: everything Publishers need to know about their subscribers.

Written by Monika | May 10, 2013 11:37:13 AM

Are you familiar with the Agile development approach?  It gives an opportunity to continuously evaluate the direction of a project throughout the entire development lifecycle.  Iterations and customer feedback built its foundation, which means that the inevitability of changing needs & requirements is also taken into account.

At the end of the sequence of iterations (called also 'sprints') the development team must come up with a deliverable product / feature. Working in short cycles is truly fruitful & leaves enough time to quickly navigate the project in another direction. This way developers can avoid boosting too many hours into a product that their customers might not want.

At Cleeng, we embrace the #Agile paradigm with love. 

When launching the Dashboard functionality for Pro Publishers, we built it around the most crucial features, allowing the early adopters to test  & fill us in with any gaps in the user experience they would have run into.

Decision about which features to leave out / postpone along the way, always comes from a very thorough observations of the Cleeng customers behavior & needs they express. But we also use something not yet so popular in the software industry - a gut feeling, based on many years of international e-commerce experience. When combined together, all these elements help us to ship a product which is functional, user friendly and bears heaps of potential for the further development.

Today we’re shipping more well-rounded functionalities within Pro Publisher’s Dashboard, and we're doing it based on the feedback we got from our customers till now. We hope they will see it as a 'mothership' for all their transactions & recognize it as extremely helpful tool to sell their talent. So here’s an overview of all things we added in the last couple of days:


What have we added to the Cleeng Pro Publisher’s Dashboard?

√ Subscribers Overview + Subscribers report to download

Managing subscriptions is always a highly complexed and demanding process. Thanks to the close  interactions with our Cleeng Pro Publishers, who showed increased requirements about reporting, we have nailed down the most important improvements to be implemented. Working with UX designers & making every member of the team a part of the project, we were able to create a simple, actionable report system.

It gives Pro Publishers all details about their new and active subscribers, and also shows them which subscriptions have been stopped wether by customer, or publisher, or by a payment that didn’t go through. Within a click they can delve into actionable, granular view of each account, per subscriber.

The information is available also as a report, downloadable in .xls format. Publishers can now easily analyze the data and enrich their customer database, precisely with the information they actually need.

√ Canceling transaction + refund option

Publishers can already resend receipt emails and extend access for rentals or subscriptions. But from now on they can also trigger a refund if needed, within the "Customer transactions" tab in their Dashboard. Using this complete set of features Publishers can support their customers / Cleeng end users in the most accurate way.



What have we enhanced in the Cleeng purchase process itself ?

In a similar way, we’ve been constantly improving the nuts and bolts of the User Interface of Cleeng purchase process - we've rolled out a few improvements here as well.

√ Based on the Publishers' feedback, we added additional information about an offer which customer/Cleeng end user wants to buy. They now can see the title, price, what kind of access they get, and a place to enter the promo code, in one place. After testing the beta version of the new purchase screens & recording 18% spike in conversion rates, we decided to implement the changes. Take a look at the before-after  of the two purchase screens:

First screen:


Second screen:


Let us know your thoughts about the launched functionalities. Feel free to share them with us in the comments. Are there any other features you'd like to see added in the coming weeks?