Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

How Cleeng Solves The SVOD Puzzle? [Video]

Written by Dimitar Serafimov | Feb 21, 2017 2:05:08 PM

Going direct-to-consumer seems like the default direction for the most ambitious and high-potential media companies. But, publishers selling premium video via subscriptions can face rocky way to the top. But, put your worries aside, Sisyphus had a much harder time :).

We made this video to illustrate the complexity of the SVOD model and show how Cleeng addresses the main challenges. Enjoy.


In one of our previous blog posts, we discussed the SVOD revenue strategies and the usual mistakes SVOD publishers make. Here, we'll elaborate how our SVOD solution help you, as a video publisher, handle the trickiest challenges.

  • Setting accurate projections for subscriber growth: Cleeng's dashboard is a great tool for assessing your current business, as it helps you monitor the subscribers activity, engage with them and review your finances flow. Also, by protecting your videos and preventing account sharing, you can have more clarity on the actual number of subscribers using your SVOD service.
  • Focusing on the end-user: Customer Care is an integral part of what Cleeng offers (among Authentication, Commerce and Security). It can be one of the toughest jobs in the world of live streaming video, but we put a lot of energy in maintaining high standards (SLAs etc) in order to make the viewers happy.
  • Knowing your audience and targeting precisely: Trying to cope with the biggest SVOD players like Netflix and Hulu may not be the best decision for the aspiring publishers. Instead, with Cleeng you can use geo-targeting, local languages and currencies and hit markets with a tailored service that offer a great user experience to a smaller audience. Scaling a great service is far better than shooting with no accuracy.

Read more on what does it take to ensure steady revenues with an SVOD service:

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