Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

Worth presenting - the Cleeng team !

Written by Gilles Domartini | Feb 9, 2011 5:34:33 PM

We've been so busy the past days that I didn't have time to write more post to our blog...what a pity!

As the buzz is mounting (see The Next Web today), i think it is really fair to step back and present you the team behind what you see. These people have been working really hard in the past months to make all of this happen, and they deserve a big round of virtual applause !! Clap-Clap!

From left to right, Back to Front: Benedicte (Marketing), Nicolas (Sales), Lucas (Design), Radek (Infrastructure),Farid (Community),

Donald (Operations), Gilles (Management), Marcin (Dev), Mateusz (Dev).

Missing are Richard (Copywriting), Tomek (Dev) and David (WordPress).

These guys and girl have achieved something pretty amazing: in just 8 months, they've built from scratch a truly innovative and ground-breaking solution. We've mixed B2C and B2B skills, and have now incredible assets to share: superb videos, nice feature presentation, super detailed API, and a great plugin. And yet, we have only used our own financing. Imagine what we could do if a top VC would start to back us!

Well, it is only the very beginning of a longer journey. We are all very excited about it, and 200% committed to making it happen with the publishers and users. Stay with us and let us know what you think. We are always looking, by the way, for a few good, innovative and sharp people, so if you know anyone, just contact us.

-- The Cleeng team

PS: A big thank you to some individual contributors - Nicolas F (site design), Alexandra (English master), Gary (Logo Design), Tobias (Wordpress), Peter (Adwords), Pascal (Mentor), epipheo team/Ben, and all the others who helped us during this initial launch, including our 200 beta testers!