Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

2019 Tech Trends That Shape The Video Subscription Economy

Written by Dimitar Serafimov | Jul 3, 2019 9:32:51 AM

As SVoD continues going from strength to strength, there are a few notable general technology trends that have the power to perfect it. 

Since its conception and launch in 1998, the SVoD model has evolved rapidly, transforming into the hyper-connected, tech-driven global phenomenon it is today.

Sophisticated algorithms, intuitive user platforms, multiple device viewing capabilities, and droves of groundbreaking original content are just some of the elements that have catalyzed the success of the SVoD - or video subscription - market.

Our own perceptions are well in line with the insights outlined in Mary Meeker's 'Internet Trends 2019' report. So, here are the key trends we found in that report that are shaping the video subscription market most.

1. ‘Free trials’ demonstrate its acquisition power 

Free trials are currently the primary subscriber acquisition tactic in today’s SvoD landscape, with 42% prioritizing the method to attract new prospects.

2. ‘Freemium’ proving its worth

This graphic is a testament to the growing benefits of leveraging the ‘freemium’ business model in today’s subscription-based market. An approach that could be worth your time and investment. In the case of Spotify, 60% of the premium subs are generated via the freemium model and the subscriber life-time-value (LTV) is on an exponential rise.

3. Data. Data. Data

We live in a data-driven age. While using subscriber and engagement insights isn’t exactly a new concept, the use of refined and structured data within the SVoD industry is at an all-time high. Using the right metrics and data to improve your messaging, service, pricing, and the content library will prove vital to success in tomorrow’s world, and beyond.

4. Increased demand for online education 

As outlined in this chart, the adoption of online education-based subscription services is on the rise. In the Age of Information, more and more people are hungry for new skills & knowledge to meet the ever-changing demands of the digital age. Youtube sees a massive increase in this demand, and there is no reason why this won't replicate on premium video channels/services.

With the right targeting approach, the right partnerships, and the right course material, there’s absolutely everything to gain.

We think you’ll agree that SVoD is the viewing medium of the future. These four definitive SVoD trends are a testament to the bright and prosperous future in store for the video subscription market as well as its broadening scope for new content and infinite potential for innovation.

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