Cleeng Blog - Subscription management trends

1 year, 1000 events, 10 pay-per-view secrets revealed!

Written by Monika | Apr 9, 2015 10:28:52 AM

 Can you believe that we’re celebrating the first anniversary of Cleeng Live? Launched in March 2014, our super straightforward OTT solution for monetizing Live pay-per-view events has been a tremendous help to broadcasters.

More than 1000 events were created and sold successfully with Cleeng! Here's what we've learned from cracking the code for Live PPV success.

Cleeng Live proved that Live PPV ain't complex!

Prior to Cleeng Live, event organizers were dispirited by the complexity of Live PPV. We kept on hearing from event organizers that selling Live PPV is just a too difficult to start with, and too costly option to be even considered.

We picked up this challenge and finally removed all barriers for broadcasters. After 1 year, in excess of 1,000 events, we were able to change the outlook on the Live PPV: earning big revenues and delighting your fans online is easy!

Currently, Cleeng Live is a go-to live event monetization solution for many top-notch brands and broadcasters worldwide, i.e. the British Basketball League, FIFA WorldCup 2014, TEDMED, One Championship, and WBA boxing. We're extremely happy to see that Cleeng Live was enthusiastically received across the pond. As Cleeng LLC we support now thousands of US-based clients.

Within past 12 months we also strengthened our network with major OVPs that trusted our solution and have been recommending it to their top-tier clients. Ooyala and Ustream dropped their in-house monetization solutions to integrate with the power of Cleeng (a huge compliment for our team!).

Here's what we've learned from cracking the code for Live PPV Success:



Sell your next Live event with us!

We guarantee a smooth and exciting experience for you and your viewers.


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